Venus Optics has announced a new ultra-wide 12-24mm f/5.6 zoom lens for full frame sensors.
The new lens offers a constant f/5.6 aperture over the zoom range with an FOV ranging from 121.9-degrees to 84-degrees at the long end. The unit has an ultra-close minimum focus distance of 15cm, allowing much more creative control over foreground elements.
A five-bladed design allows for pretty 10-point sunstars to be produced in nighttime sceneious from point light sources, whilst a 77mm filter thread allows easy use of screen in filters.

It might not have the Zero-D designation, but distortion is extremely low.
The lens weighs in at 497g, making for a lightweight package. The company claims that while the lens doesn’t feature its Zero-D classification, distortion is still so low that it can still effectively be used for architecture or interiors.
The lens is available now for RF mount, Sony E, Nikon Z and Leica M and is priced at USD$649 (USD$699 for the Leica mount).
Tags: Production Lenses