DZOFILM has launched its brand new Pictor 12-25mm, the widest in the Pictor Zoom series so far.
Nearly three years after the first lens in the series dropped, DZOFILM has released the latest in its Pictor Zoom series of lenses, the Pictor 12-25mm T2.8.
With a 0.4m (sub 16inch) minimum focusing distance, it’s a parfocal design that remains in focus through all focal length changes, allowing filmmakers to zoom in or out on a subject without refocusing. The 16-blade T2.8 iris generates soft bokeh, with the company saying that the natural transition from focus to de-focus conveys the ambiance and highlights the subject.
Mounting systems support PL and EF mounts, while the lens series can also be adapted to E/RF/L/X/Z via DZOFILM Octopus adapters. With DZOFILM Marlin 1.6x extenders, the lens image can be magnified to cover FF/VV format as well, making it compatible with larger sensor cameras. Standard M0.8 gear rings provide access to multiple ways of mounting follow focus.
As the most compact lens in the Pictor series to date, its size and weight are at the low end of the scale: 150mm-159mm long and coming in at a wrist-friendly 1.6kg/3.5lbs and definitely in the right zone for mounting on a crane or jib. It’s also available in white.
The lens is, of course, very similar to the already released Pictor 14-30mm, but seeing as how the company is making much of its availability in a three lens set alongside its 20-55 and 50-125 compatriots (below), it looks like that previous one is perhaps being edged out.
The price of black DZOFILM Pictor Zoom 12-25mm T2.8 cine lens is $2889 or equivalent. That 3-lens set with safety case is $7999. White versions add a couple of hundred to the price. DZOFILM says it will start to ship the Pictor 12-25mm (black) from the end of February, while the white version will appear from the middle of March.
Tags: Production Lenses